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파이썬 newbie: writing backend code for website

by º기록 2020. 9. 20.

저는 보통 기계 학습 분야에서 일하고 있으므로 제 배경은 대부분 통계 / ML에 있으며 공식적인 웹 배경은 없습니다. Usually for my project, I work on python which is connected to my local mysql db... to fetch data adn everything. Now, my work is mostly complete.. everything is console based.. (like traditional programs). How do I integrate it on the front end. I understand that this is more like a server side scripting. So, lets take an example of google. In the front end.. someone enters a search query.. and in the backend lets say there is a program in C++ which executes that query. How did this interaction takes place.. if front end is written in lets say php.. I assume shell execution of program is a bad bad way to run programs.. ?? Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. 감사


해결 방법


Ignacio가 제안한대로 먼저 프로젝트를위한 API를 설계해야합니다. 이것은 기본적으로 프로젝트에 지원되는 쿼리가 무엇인지 (그리고 어떻게) 명확하게 표시됩니다.


참조 페이지 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8773701



